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Sherryl Husereau

SuperStar Consultant

My Story

We find our greatest gifts through our passions, and my passion for Boxer Rescue has blessed us with four of our own boxers, as well as a few fosters along the way. What you learn very quickly within the boxer rescue community is how supportive we are for one another and how they will lift you up when you most need it. I have made many friendships through these past ten years of volunteering and these are friendships that I cherish. I believe that in everything that you do, it's all about making a connection and a good rapport with people. It is through this volunteer work that I not only met an amazing friend - but she became my Scentsy sponsor.

I tried the products out for myself and I loved them! I was intrigued and so impressed with the quality of the Scentsy products and equally amazed at the amount of support that was available, both from my sponsor and the Scentsy Home Office team! There is a vast amount of resources that are available at our fingertips - making this business so much easier to do - and it also makes it fun!!

So...for me, it was a challenge to push myself out of my comfort zone and to try something new. I loved the product and the quality was excellent and it would mean that I would wear another hat! And of course the extra income is awesome too!!

When you join Scentsy, you become part of an amazing family!! We are all here to support you and help you with your business. I celebrate my seventh year in August 2021 and this has been an amazing journey!

Thank you for your wonderful support!!!

My Favourite Scents